Why do I have a blog?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I think I'll drive the speed limit on the way home.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Do people not READ their own websites?

Read this from a link on Fark. May the internet gods forgive me for just cuting and pasting.
I'm sure they are fake, but funny:

Top 10 Worst URL Flops
1. A site called ‘Who Represents‘ where you can find the name of the agent that represents a celebrity. Their domain name… wait for it… is...

2. Experts Exchange, a knowledge base where programmers can exchange advice and views at

3. Looking for a pen? Look no further than Pen Island at

4. Need a therapist? Try Therapist Finder at

5. Then of course, there’s the Italian Power Generator company…

6. And now, we have the Mole Station Native Nursery, based in New South Wales:

7. If you’re looking for computer software, there’s always

8. Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is

9. Then, of course, there’s these brainless art designers, and their whacky website:

10. Want to holiday in Lake Tahoe? Try their brochure website at

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Gallery of Regrettable Food

This is a great website of crazy food ideas in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Freekin halarious and disgusting!!


HAHA!! Tell me which is your favorite!

Monday, July 10, 2006

The importance of commas

SO THERE I WAS... writing my many reports I write trying to figure out where the stupid commas went, when I remembered this PDQ Bach song: (it may help to say it out loud)
Funny. Especially when on no sleep. I'll send you an MP3 if you wanna hear it.

Throw the yule log on, Uncle John
Throw the yule log on Uncle John
Soprano: Fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa fa mi fa
Alto: Wahza whuza wuhza wuhza wuhza woo woo, wuhza wuhza wuhza woo woo, wuhza wuhza wuhza wuhza woo wah
Tenor: Chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick-a chick-a chick-a boom bah
Bass: Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ha

Put the pickle down, Uncle John
Put the pickle down Uncle John
Soprano: Fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa fa mi fa
Alto: Wahza whuza wuhza wuhza wuhza woo woo, wuhza wuhza wuhza woo woo, wuhza wuhza wuhza wuhza woo wah
Tenor: Chick chick chick chick chick chick chick chick-a chick-a chick-a boom bah
Bass: Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ha

Ten o’clock on Christmas morn and all the guests are coming to the door;
Ten o’clock on Christmas morn and Uncle John’s already on the floor.
Though the weather’s bitter cold there’s not a frown to mar the festive mood;
Wait ’til they discover that old Uncle John has eaten all the food.

Hear the hall clock strike, Uncle John
Hear the hall clock strike Uncle John
Soprano: Fa la la, fa la la, fa la la, fa la la fa la la, fa fa mi fa
Alto: Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, fuzzy wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy wuzzy wuzzy wuhza wuhza woo wah
Tenor: Sis sis sis sis sis sis sis sis sis boom bah
Bass: Boom chick boom chick boom chick boom chick boom chick boom chick boom boom boom buhzoowah doowah

Please, will you come to Uncle John?
Gather around poor Uncle John.
Please, will you come to Uncle John (the no-good good-for-nothing),
Oh, when will you come to Uncle John?
Oh, when will you come to, Uncle John?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Note to self: Alcohol + Uneven ground + Wet grass + Darkness = twisted knee

We were lighting off fireworks (nothing is illegal in TN) on the night of the 4th in our back yard (not level, not even) after it rained the afternoon (wet grass) and in the dark I managed to fall over and I twisted my knee. For the umpteenth time in my life. Woo-hoo. Dosen't hurt to bad, not much swelling... just sore. Walking fine with brace on: the one I ski in, not the big-honkin just-broke-my-leg immobilizer.

I suppose the beer and margaritas did not help in my life-long quest to remain upright.

MA caught a stomach bug and couldn't go into work yesterday, and I figured rest would be good for my knee, (and recover from the alcohol) so we stayed in bed all day. I made a trip to wally-world for crackers/gingerale/popsickles for her. Found a new TV show: Bridezillas on WE (-2 man quotient points for watching something on WE).

The premise of the show is how some brides-to-be catch a horrific case of something simmilar to TBS (Tech B$^&# Syndrome)*. Lots of yelling and screaming. It's fun to watch and make fun of other truly stupid people.

*disclamer: no females I knew at tech ever had the syndrome. Please don't think I'm talking about you!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Yeah... so, this weekend was fun, and very depressing at the same time.

It made me realize how out-of-contact and out-of-the loop I have become with all my friends. And how absolutely alone we are out here in the boonies. EVERYBODY else from WCF has kept connected and does stuff. I haven't. Jake and Paul both graduated a while ago, and are headed off to Scotland. Stupid me haden't even talked to either in more than a year!!

The only time in my whole life I've ever felt like I fit in somewhere was at Tech, and specificaly at WCF. Growing up sucked. High School was absolutely horrible, I've blocked it from my memory. But WCF was great. I FIT IN for the first time (and only time) in my life! I could make jokes where the punchline is "It dosen't matter where you put the zeros: if the poles are in the left-half plane, the system is unstable" and (most) people understand the joke!! I had people I could play Dungeons and Dragons with!! I could hang out with people who at least pretended to like me!

But now I live in the boonies. We don't have any friends. We know some people, but they are acquiantences, not friends. Most people I work with have CHILDREN my age. I'm just about the only one in my building, and the only one in my department that has not been working here 30+ years! I just don't fit in.

I realize that most of the problem is me: I don't have internet at home (dialup doesn't count as internet) and I am complety inept at this stupid blog, if anybody reads it. I will be better about communicating with people. I don't want to feel left out again. I felt left out my ENTIRE life up until Tech, it is not going to happen again.

Other WCF-ers graduated and are still-in-the-loop, but not me. Nobody has come to visit (and I can't blame them) but we haven't been back very much. This weekend just reminded us on how alone we are out here.

Goals: update blog 1 time/week.
Get on AIM more than once per year.
Go to some foosball games in the fall, even if we can't get tickets.
Don't feel left out and alone anymore.