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Monday, December 18, 2006

When's that......BAAAAAAAABY.... due?

If TOYS-r-us sells TOYS, what does BABYS-r-us sell?

There should be a baby rental service. That way, you could just go rent a baby for the weekend. I keep trying to steal next door's, but her mom keeps figuring out that she's missing a baby.

Friday, December 15, 2006

New year's resolution 3 weeks early?

So here's the deal... I lead a sedantary lifestyle (i.e. desk and couch potato). AND I like ice cream WWWAAAYYY to much. AND my wife feeds me WWWAAAYYY to well :-) AND I have no hobbies (becides playing my new Wii)

I haven't been exactly skinny since my HS days, but I feel like i've gained a lot of weight. When I reached 195lbs, I said to myself: "Self, you need to get off your fat ass and work out so you don't hit 200lbs." So I stared working out, and quickly hit 202lbs but at the same time having to tighten my belt 2 knotches! Aparantly mussles are denser than fat.

So I'm gonna keep working out, and start eating less burgers and ice cream (mmm...burgers and ice cream....)

Also, right before Turkey Day, somebody signed me up to run in a 5k run. It was payback for an earlier pratical joke I played on him. I didn't have much time to train (~1.5 weeks), but still managed to finish 3.2 miles in 34 min. Yes I came in LAST place, but its not exactly fair: I am now convinced that the military is actauly made up of cyborgs. Many of these people finshed the 3.2 miles in 20 freekin min!! WTF?!?!

The crazy thing: I enjoyed it! So here's my what-the-crap-am-I-thinking new years resolution: I'm gonna run a marathon. 26.2 miles. In at least 4hrs 30 min (10ish min/mile). Maybe not this year, but 2008/2009 or something. Also, next Turkey Day, when somebody signs me up for a 5k TurkeyTrot, I won't come in LAST PLACE (only last place this year by a matter of seconds)

I'm crazy. But I never thought I could move my fat ass around 3.2 miles that quickly. I probably could have finished quicker, I didn't exactly feel tired afterwords.

I'm nuts. Nucking Futs.