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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

UTSI and politicians

I've learned a bit more about UTSI (the school I'm going to)

It's tiny. I've done some exploring... I was wrong- the academic bldg is SMALLER than the GaTech library. It's itty-bitty. Also, thanks to the miracle of the interweb, lots of people take their Tullahoma classes in Knoxville. There is NOBODY here in Tullahoma. I saw one statistic that there were 140 students, 60 of them being full-time. DAMN!

With a pitiful attendance like that, I hope I can actually finish a degree before they shut it down.

I doubt it'll shut down, though. The Governor wants to add a statewide magnet math/science high school here--that'll help.

I doubt the governor will get his school either. Politicians are stupid. Here's a joke:

Q: How are politicians and diapers alike?
A: They both should be changed often, and for the same reason.

Politicians are full of crap. They don't care about the city/state/country they represent. they only care about pleasing the people who give them money. They only care about keeping their job.


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