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Saturday, March 17, 2007

I'm STILL ALIVE..... but only barely

Yeah, I feel like crap. I just got over my 4th cold/flu in 6 weeks...... WTF is up with that?

In other news... did you know that due to the Federal Removal of Freedoms act of 2005 you can no longer buy pseudoephedrine over the counter? You have to go to the pharmacist, and have them take your Driver's license, SSN#, fingerprints, RETNAL scan, RECTAL scan (don't even ask) just to buy a freekin pill!! WTF is up with that??

All the other cold medicines have changed their formulas to either 1) remove any decongestants or 2) use some other crap that only works 1/10000000th as good. They ALL SUCK. Believe me, i've tried them all in the last 6 weeks.

Meanwhile, I haven't given up on running... just haven't while i've been feeling sick. Down10ish pounds to 190 though! woohoo!

[end rant]

If anybody wants to go to Bonnaroo and needs a place to stay, I live 5 min away from the site, and we'll let you crash at our place. Our only requirement: stay away from the drugs, which [gasp!] are prevalant at Hippieroo Bonnaroo.

Just let me know. Buy your tickets NOW.. they are going fast!