Stealth post
Does anybody I know read my blog anymore?
Probably not.
If so, tell me. I might start posting again.
Lemme tell you, life is better after Tech.
Much better.
And I deffinatly recommend getting married :-D
I've removed most of the old crap. Moving on with my life. Don't like to remember how crappy Tech was.
Life is good. I have an honest-t0-god-job. I haven't been depressed since I got the job. I haven't been in one of my angry/pissedoff/throwstuff/yelling moods since I don't have the Tech Stress anymore. Most WCFers wouldn't recognize me.
I sleep now.... in a bed... sometimes 8 whole hours a night!! haahahaaa!!
anyway, I'm starting back up the whole blogging deal. I miss all my old friends.
I'll read your blog. I had stopped but accidently clicked your blog in my favorites today and low and behold you updated. Glad to hear things are going well.
you're alive!
~Melissa ( :
i'll second that married thing. it is awesome
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